Aug 25, 2010

The Ten Commandments - according to Oliver

Beautiful black cat Oliver dropped this in during the week and thought you should know:
  1. Thou shalt not feed me the same food twice
  2. Thou shalt not tell me what to do EVER
  3. Thou shalt not sit on my chair without my permission
  4. Thou shalt not feed the birds until I have positioned myself under a nearby bush
  5. Thou shalt not take me to the vet in a cardboard box
  6. Thou shalt not bring a dog into my house
  7. Thou shalt not rev up the car when I am under it
  8. Thou shalt not put a lid on the goldfish bowl
  9. Thou shalt not move me from the pillow in the middle of the night 
  10. Thou shalt obey the above or I will piddle in places you will not find!

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