Feb 1, 2010

Oscar has a lump off

Oscar is a beautifully mannered senior Russian Blue who has graciously allowed us to publish the photographs of his journey through Hall Vet Surgery today.We removed a lump from the side of his neck because lumps in cats' skin are often tumours with the potential to spread or at least cause considerable local discomfort. 

Oscar has the hair clipped over his jugular vein so that we can take a sample of his blood.  We tested his blood to make sure his vital organs would handle the anaesthetic. 

Nurse Elissa tests Oscar's blood in our laboratory

Oscar under general anaesthetic with the hair clipped from his neck and the lump clearly visible

Oscar in surgery with Nurse Suzanne monitoring his vital signs

The surgical site after the lump was removed

Oscar recovering from his surgery

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am Oscar's owner. I would just like to say Thank You to Kate and the staff all Hall Vet for taking such good care of Oscar.
    Seeing the photo's of his surgery
    I found really interesting as I could see exactley what it was.
    So again Thank You
